As an adult diagnosed with ADHD + dyslexia, studying, reading, sitting tests, never were and never will be, something I’m good at, enjoy or want to do. It’s something I HAVE to do, something I push myself to do.
Over the years I’ve managed to pass a test or two. My process is simple. You always have the option to do the test or assignment multiple times, so I sit the test cold, pass what I know and then learn the bits I didn’t pass. Below is a list of Quals that I have completed over the years.
As with most businesses, you grow in 1 area and shrink in another as clients and my own interests change. Currently, I’m focused on finding accounting firms that are still stuck in the paper days, purchasing them, streamlining operating and therefore growing profit as a result.
As the accounting firms are now large and mature enough, I’m also adding on ancillary services as well such as finance, loans, SMSFs, and property. Essentially if it involves a dollar, I can help you get it for less, make more of it, or protect it.
As a slow reader I often both read the book and listen to it on audio book as well. It’s like I need to hear it twice to absorb the information.
I’m also currently trying the – do not read another book until you have tried all the things in the book you just read rule.
Book List
The Road Less Stupid
Dare to Lead
12 Rules of Life
The One Thing
Good To Great
Measure What Matters
The Infinite Game
Learn from my mistakes. I’ve paid the ‘dumb’ tax so you don’t have to.